
Aboriginal Education
The Vision of Aboriginal Education is to foster a strong sense of Belonging, voice and support visioning to a future full of possibilities and pride. The Quesnel School District believes in extensive collaboration with community to build meaningful learning for students.

As we prepare students to be Educated Citizens and life-long learners, the Quesnel School District provides equitable and engaging learning opportunities and seeks innovative practices to deepen learning and make each day at school memorable for students.

The Quesnel School District monitors and works closely with our Board of Education to ensure that our resources are aligned to the strategic plan to meet the learning needs of students. Financial and Budget information is readily available.

Health & Safety
The safety and well-being of staff is a priority for the Quesnel School District. The Health & Safety Committee meets monthly to review site Health & Safety information and uses collective problem solving to ensure worker safety.

Human Resources
We believe in building staff capacity and supporting all staff in their work at the Quesnel School District. Prospective employees are encouraged to learn more about the current positions available throughout our district.

Information Technology
Technology is a positive, enabling force for parent engagement, student engagement, educator effectiveness, operational efficiency, student safety, and student achievement. The Board’s investment in IT ensures the district has the resources necessary to sustain the growth of technology systems, devices, and tools required for impactful, efficient and effective student learning, family engagement, and district operations.

Facilities & Transportation
The role of the Facilities and Transportation Departments are to plan, schedule, implement and budget all phases of operations, maintenance and transportation required by the Quesnel School District and its 18 facility sites. These departments maintain and uphold a commitment to servicing all students, staff and community users of all District facilities.

Inclusive Education
All students learn, regardless of their circumstance. The Quesnel School District believes in the intellectual, social and environmental inclusion of all students and strongly supports students with exceptional needs with the provision of support and services in the pursuit of independence.